Campeche, Camp., December 30. Although, according to estimates, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and the Mexican states of Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo there are nearly one million mayahablantes, that language is about to disappear, because it has lost the tradition of teaching the new generations. So historians and scholars gathered in the Academy of Language Maya Campeche drive from this year a course for civil servants and professionals who care for members of this community.
Cahuich Gaspar Alberto Ramirez, president of the academy, said that the archaic Mayan dialects has 28 complex structure: one is the Mayan peninsula, spoken by 900 million Mexicans, mostly distributed in Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo.
'' Maya says the specialist, is a cultural heritage with more than 3000 years of history, and Campeche are aware of the need to deepen the knowledge phonetic, grammatical and semantic language.
'' Part of the recognition of the Mayan language requires mayahablantes are cared for in their language at all levels of government services and, hence the course, not to let this language be lost.''
Gaspar Alberto Cahuich Ramírez, presidente de la academia, subrayó que el maya arcaico cuenta con 28 variantes dialectales de estructura compleja: una de ellas es el maya peninsular, hablado por 900 mil mexicanos, distribuidos mayoritariamente en Campeche, Yucatán y Quintana Roo.
''El maya -dice el especialista- es un legado cultural con más de 3 mil años de historia, y en Campeche estamos conscientes de la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento fonético, gramatical y semántico de la lengua.
''Parte del reconocimiento a la lengua materna maya exige que los mayahablantes sean atendidos en su idioma en todos los servicios y órdenes de gobierno; por ello el curso, para no dejar que esta lengua se pierda.''
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